Thursday, November 2, 2017

Update 11/02/2017

The rest area is at the top of my list of legal and safe places to sleep in Oregon. We slept here last night and it looks like we will be here tonight and if tomorrow as well and maybe until the 6th. The routine seems to be wake, library and then a park to sit at. We may go to the thrift store to kill some time this afternoon after the responsible stuff has been taken care of. Time seems almost like an enemy when you have no where to go and you can almost feel it slow down just to spite you. I am thankful I have food and gas and a little smoke left to take the edge off. The rain has moved in but luckily there are breaks and I am able to walk around and burn off some energy.

The semis roll in all hours of the night but it doesn't really bother me. I sleep pretty good and the indica strains help me go back to sleep on the off chance I am awakened by anything. It is the place where misery meets adventure and they co-exist in this section of concrete in the middle of nothingness. There was no free coffee today but we will keep an eye out for the trailer that sets up here through the week. The last time we were here there was a girl who flew a sign by the men's restroom and to our surprise she was still there 2 months later. Like I said it is the only legal safe place I know of and she always has a fresh batch of faces and potential donations. 11/2/2017

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