Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It could be worse 11/01/2017

Well we left this morning at around 7:45 am. The sun was just barely peeking over the mountains and it was a crisp 35 degrees but luckily without fog. We are still waiting on money to begin the trip but thank god I have some money put back to eat and we still have some smoke to ease our troubled minds for the time being. Tonight's lodging looks like it's going to be the rest stop off the highway. We are no stranger to this particular one and it is safe lit and plenty of activity to keep the people up to no fucking good away for the most part. Since Oregon is one of 6 states that allow overnight sleeping at it's rest areas there are some long term RV's and people. We keep to ourselves for the most part and try to appear like we have somewhere to be but just in need of some rest. All and all it could be worse.

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