Friday, November 24, 2017


Nothing much going on except mundane life shit so when I have something to post I will. Fuck the Holidays!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Stobe The Hobo

I have traveled my whole life by various means but never have I had the balls to hop a train. Jim did and he did it better than anyone who filmed it. His outlook and commentary was honest and so was his videos. He never went viral or made millions off his YouTube channel but he has a considerable amount of loyal watchers (including myself) who live vicariously through Jim and his adventures. Coming back from Oregon after traveling almost 5 months I was a little behind watching any videos or even uploading myself and so I didn't know Jim had passed until a few days had gone by. There is no final account of what happened and in the end does it matter? Jim lived and entertained thousands of people and now he is gone and will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family and close friends who must be in a great amount of pain as I type this. I hope whatever is out there that it is a kind place and that Jim can continue his adventures as he loved to do and that there is a cold one waiting for him.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Vinyl was everything once

I use to eat and breath vinyl records. 1980's hardcore punk was my obsession. Black Flag and Minor Threat as well as the numerous bands from East Coast to West Coast and even in the Midwest. I last sold my personal collection of my very loved wax to someone opening a record shop, 500 records that I hand picked and cleaned and listened to. I knew every crack and pop and even the occasional skip and that feeling you get when the needle dropped on Circle Jerks "Letter Bomb" I now have a box of Cd's and I am pretty content with them. I even have a stack of Maximum Rock-N- Roll Zines that I pull out every once in awhile when nature calls and I want
some quality reading material. I guess what I am
trying to say is yeah I miss my records sometimes
but I still have the music, the memories and I lived
those times. I was there and I experienced it.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Well we rolled into town on 11-06-2017 which was a dreary Monday night, The car covered in road tar and the inside was littered with clothes and dirt. We stank and my head itched from sweating underneath my beanie for days on end. Furthermore my anxiety was at full alert and a nervous breakdown was definitely in my near future. Hopefully the small amount of weed we had smuggled into this god forsaken land would keep us going for at least a few days and ward of the inevable insanity that was sure to find us.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

$5 Grams

This is the place to go if you are low on cash and need a gram
of some pretty good strains. It's Queen Bee tonight.

In Decline

I have used these since the late 70's. Now they are relics rotting away on the side of the road.
I took these pictures off Main Street in Springfield Oregon.

Pen And Paper

The road is always there. I use to dream about it when I was very young. When I got older I felt most comfortable moving about. From farms to cities and everything in between I felt alive when I was heading somewhere or nowhere at all. Just as long as I kept moving. 
Rolling into new towns meant new women and new pussy. Strip clubs and dive bars were where I felt the most comfortable. Dark and with the permanent smell of rancid beer that had been spilt and spewed over the years. I met the mother of my daughter in one of those places. Even out of the darkness there is sometimes light.

Update 11/02/2017

The rest area is at the top of my list of legal and safe places to sleep in Oregon. We slept here last night and it looks like we will be here tonight and if tomorrow as well and maybe until the 6th. The routine seems to be wake, library and then a park to sit at. We may go to the thrift store to kill some time this afternoon after the responsible stuff has been taken care of. Time seems almost like an enemy when you have no where to go and you can almost feel it slow down just to spite you. I am thankful I have food and gas and a little smoke left to take the edge off. The rain has moved in but luckily there are breaks and I am able to walk around and burn off some energy.

The semis roll in all hours of the night but it doesn't really bother me. I sleep pretty good and the indica strains help me go back to sleep on the off chance I am awakened by anything. It is the place where misery meets adventure and they co-exist in this section of concrete in the middle of nothingness. There was no free coffee today but we will keep an eye out for the trailer that sets up here through the week. The last time we were here there was a girl who flew a sign by the men's restroom and to our surprise she was still there 2 months later. Like I said it is the only legal safe place I know of and she always has a fresh batch of faces and potential donations. 11/2/2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It could be worse 11/01/2017

Well we left this morning at around 7:45 am. The sun was just barely peeking over the mountains and it was a crisp 35 degrees but luckily without fog. We are still waiting on money to begin the trip but thank god I have some money put back to eat and we still have some smoke to ease our troubled minds for the time being. Tonight's lodging looks like it's going to be the rest stop off the highway. We are no stranger to this particular one and it is safe lit and plenty of activity to keep the people up to no fucking good away for the most part. Since Oregon is one of 6 states that allow overnight sleeping at it's rest areas there are some long term RV's and people. We keep to ourselves for the most part and try to appear like we have somewhere to be but just in need of some rest. All and all it could be worse.